Saturday 29 October 2016

New in the Web Shop - Prussian Infantry of 1870

One of the central figures in the 16 mini boxed set.
Flag is from GMB's excellent range.

Dear readers, this week saw a fantastic amount of interest for Eagles of Empire Miniature’s newly released Wave II, not only visible by the many visits to our Facebook page, but also a huge backing of the range translating into orders in our web shop. Thank you all very much! 
Your continued support is what drive this project and range forward.

One of Neumann's wonderful litographic prints from the period.

In this post, I want to take a closer look at our newly released Prussian Infantry in summer uniforms (yes, Prussian Infantry in winter uniforms is in the sculpting pipeline for those harsh winter battles in late 1870 and early 1871).

"Zum Befehl!"
With a beard like that, you better obey...

In accord with last weeks focus on the feared Francs-Tireurs, I’ve composed a short historical background on the Prussians, to set the scene properly. I hope you’ll welcome these boys in blue to the centre stage of the Franco-Prussian War!


The Prussian army of 1870

After the rollercoaster ride of the Napoleonic Wars, with huge defeats but also glimmers of prestige like at Waterloo under Blücher, the Prussian army was bound for a road of reform and modernization. In 1859, King Frederick William IV tasked Minister of War Albrecht von Roon with the modernization of the Prussian fighting machine. 

Prussian trooper taking careful aim with his Needlegun.

Roon would form part of a triangle of brilliant Prussian leaders along with Bismarck and Moltke. Together these three conservative Prussian gentlemen would instrument profound change; introducing new effective tactical doctrines based on steam-age wonders like railroad and the telegraph, and channelling industrial innovation like the ultra modern Needle Gun rifle and perhaps the World’s best artillery hardware from the Krupp factories into the Pikklehube clad legions.

Another of the central minis in the box,
again with a proper 19th century beard.

All the above would later be refined into perfection in a series of wars known as the Wars of Unification. First the Second Schleswig War in 1864, then the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, and finally Moltke’s and Bismarck’s finest hour would be provoking Imperial France into the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71,which lead to German unification and empire under Prussian leadership. 

Thank you all very much for your support and interest in this project!

Friday 21 October 2016

NEW in the Web Shop: Francs-Tireurs of 1870-71

Painted examples from the new boxed set of Francs-Tireurs.

Finally the boxed sets of the Eagles of Empire Miniatures Wave II are here and available in the web shop! A very big THANK YOU to all who was kind enough to place pre-orders, a practice we will be repeating when it's time for the cavalry to come galloping in with Wave III (spoiler alert)

First of in Wave II, I'd like to focus on the French irregulars. To set the stage and get your creative sparks flying, I've compiled some of the background history of the feared and illusive Francs-Tireurs. 

Artwork on the box - 16 minis included along
with unit cards for the coming EoE Rules.

The word ”Franc-Tireur” originally meant sharpshooter or sniper, and can be traced back to the Napoleonic era and the days of the French Revolution. In the autumn of 1870 however, after the capture of Napoleon III and the fall of the 3rd Empire, the newly formed Republic needed manpower to fight off the German occupation. As a consequence, a large range of irregular light infantry units got drafted from the mass of reservists, labour unions, rifle clubs and even the postal service. These were the Francs-Tireurs of 1870-71.

Another example of the many historical 
options you have with this box.

As the defence of the Republic started to get organized in late 1870 under the Levée en Masse (Universal Conscription) the Francs-Tireurs got integrated into the army under command of the respective Generals, and served in battles both in Loire, around Paris and near the boarder in Alsace-Lorraine.

Francs-Tireurs skirmishing with the German occupation forces.

Under their famed commander Lipowski, a unit of Francs-Tireurs won national fame and admiration as they stubbornly defended the small town of Châteaudun in October 1870 against a larger professional German force.

The Germans regarded the Francs-Tireurs as bandits loathing them for their guerrilla tactics, and a captured Franc-Tireur faced almost certain execution. 


Thanks again for stopping by the blog - I hope you've enjoyed the new minis. From a painter's perspective, I'd like to add, that the sculptor did a fantastic job, and they are a joy to have under the brushes! More Eagles of Empire Miniatures soon, when I look closer at the newly released Prussian Infantry.