Sunday 13 March 2016

Eagles of Empire Product Focus: BAVARIAN INFANTRY PACK

The box art for the Bavarian Infantry set of 16 minis.

After a very enjoyable Hamburger Tactica, seeing the launch and subsequent complete emptying of the Eagles of Empire products stock, it was time to launch the webshop.
I want to say a big THANK YOU  to all of you who have placed orders online and who came by to talk and get tempted at Tactica. Without your support the range would never have been possible to grow.

First 4 out of the 16. Here you'll find the drummer advancing with the troopers.

Fortunately, we're now in the opposite situation. We've almost sold our entire first production batch in less than 2 weeks after the official online launch. Amazing! All surplus funds have been allocated to new sculpting projects for Wave III coming in September. More about that later.

Second 4 out of 16. The Ensign is among the ranks. 
Bavarian flags will be coming soon to the webshop.

Now, I owe you all some good pictures of the Bavarian Boxed set of 16 minis.
Besides the 16 figures, you'll also find the two squad cards that goes with the coming Eagles of Empire rules.

Each Bavarian Infantry Box breaks down into:

- 1 Officer
- 1 Ensign
- 1 Drummer
- 1 13 Troopers
- 2 Unit Cards for the EoE rules

Third set of 4 out of the 16.
Here is a character cheering along his compatriots for the charge.

I know many of you have been wanting bayonets, particularly for the French, but to some extend also for the Bavarians. They will be casted later as an optional add on. The reason: We want to do production mould of 16 minis, since this fits with our modular squad rule system. If the rifles get too long, extended with long bayonets, the mould will only hold 12 minis max.

Last set of 4 out of the 16. 
The officer is easily recognizable with the slightly larger plume on the helmet.

Now as a little round of, I can mention that we are working on making flags also.
There will be two variations to choose from or to get as a set.

More updates to come soon.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Congrats on the success of this range, they are superb figures!

  2. Those are great minis and full of wonderful poses. Best of luck with this!

  3. Beautiful figures and great project!

  4. Those minis are amazing, having seen them in the "flesh" now I'm so impressed by them. Amazing work and congratulations on running out of the first production run!

  5. Having them waiting in my painting queue I can attest to their quality. Looking forward to the next releases.

  6. Thanks for the support guys - and when you have painted some of the minis, send pics to my e-mail, OK? I'll post your pics on the EoE FaceBook site and offer you a 10% discount on your next purchase.


  7. Søren, your minis are absolutely amazing, so full of life they beat anything I have ever seen in 28mm. If only 28mm Napoleonics would enjoy the same luxury. Unfortunately, most of the new 28mm plastic Napoleonics coming out are in the dull marching pose (except Victrix). I hope your rules will allow a small skirmish game to be fought on a 6 x 4 ft standard-sized tabletop, then I will consider switching to FPW instead. Very curious to know whether the Eagles of Empire rules specify minis to be based individually (true skirmish) or with more minis per base. I would prefer the first option, but I reckon both will be possible. Good luck with the further development of your project and fingers crossed that it will include terrain features at some point.

    Tillykke med salgssuccessen i Hamburg, den er velfortjent.
    Jan, Copenhagen

    1. Thank you very much for the kind words Jan! And you can rest assured that both "true skirmish" or a 3-2-2 based squad system will be part of the coming rules. Right now we're working on Wave II (Prussian Infantry and Franc-Tireurs). Hope to bring more news soon!

  8. I'm delighted that you've received such a good reception at Tactica. Now I have to figure out what I want to order from your new webstore! (Though I suppose you being sold out on many items keeps my decision making rather streamlined!) Again, congratulations on the launch!

  9. I'm delighted that you've received such a good reception at Tactica. Now I have to figure out what I want to order from your new webstore! (Though I suppose you being sold out on many items keeps my decision making rather streamlined!) Again, congratulations on the launch!
